Cranberry Mothers of Multiples
Cranberry Mothers of Multiples
mothers nurturing and supporting other mothers while having fun
We are the Cranberry Mothers of Multiples (CMOM) and we are happy to have you check us out.
We are a non-profit social group that provides an opportunity for members to meet and discuss, for their mutual benefit, problems of special interests to mothers of multiple birth children. If you are the parent/guardian of twins, triplets, quads, or more multiples (bless you!) or pregnant with more than one bundle of joy...join us!
Annual dues are $30 per year. Renewals are due September or October.
Membership allows you to get the support you need and join other families for a Christmas Party, Egg Hunt, and other activities scheduled throughout the year.
Meetings are held 2nd Tuesday of the month, Sept. – Dec., Feb. – May. In January and June we meet up for dinner at various locations. Meetings begin at 6:30 PM. Pregnant moms and those whose babies have already arrived (by birth or adoption) are welcome to attend as a guest (as well as Dads and other support people too) to check us out before joining!
Members are welcome to bring their newborns/infants to the general meeting. We are here to support, celebrate, and refresh! We hope to see you soon!